In the past month, I have been a little out of control about beads. (My father passed away unexpectedly – I mean, who can ever EXPECT such a thing? and I am blaming that life experience for my totally unresponsible acquisition of amazing beads. I mean, don’t I need a good reason why I have gone to town buying beads all of a sudden? ) I’ve collected cacoxenite, auralite 23, quantum quattro, lapis, charoite, lepidolite, chrysocolla, rose quartz, smokey quartz, shattuckite, labradorite, larvikite, blue tiger’s eye, carnelian, pyrite, malachite, sugilite, and kyanite beads. (I’m also going to blame the fact that there is, apparently, only one bead shop in Manhattan, and I only found it two weeks ago, and I need to be surrounded by beads at least once a week, so, with all these beads, my room is feeling very very mellow!)

The beads that I have bought all have interesting descriptions, properties, and uses according to Internet and crystal book sources. Just before all this began, I took a course in a course in Advanced Crystal Healing (if you are interested in such a course, I do recommend centreofexcellence.com – they are having a sale right now where you can pick up a course for @$29 — but, if you miss it, you can usually find a Groupon for it. — I do need to tell you that I am telling you this out of the goodness of my heart — I took the two courses and felt quite educated and pleased (got certificates, too!).. I have no affiliate agreement with them.. I’m just being a happy customer)

Now, since I have so many beads, and I only want to make jewelry with them, I have been reading through all of my books on crystals and, also, raiding the active gemstone info websites for more information as to what the stones mean and what they are willing to do, i.e., what have they been traditionally used for, and what are the current usages, and, for the new kids on the scene — what are they up to? (I mean, I know most of this but I want to be exact) – that is important for the bespoke jewelry pieces I create. For example: right now I am creating some grief relief pieces. — that color combination is a challenge for me, because I do not see half of those things together; that is why

(I have another commission, where the fellow just handed me 5 stones and asked me to make him a bracelet and two pendants wrapped in silver wire and Reiki–it’s taking me just as long as the wire company will take to send me the wire that I need.)

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